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Warrior Two

Teacher Training

Become a Certified Yoga Teacher!

Yoga Teacher Training


Our 200 Hour Teacher Training is an experiential training that will support you in discovering your unique teaching style and authentic voice. This training will give you a strong foundation and understanding of what it means to truly “teach from your heart.”


Our training is for those seeking more from life. For you, it may be a deepening of your personal practice and for others, it's learning tools to share your practice with your community, family and friends. Whatever your intention, our teacher training program will provide you with amazing experiences to connect, grow and transform.


By the end of training, you will:


  • Teach general yoga philosophy

  • Teach breath awareness to beginners

  • Lead flowing sun salutes, static holds, teach energetic actions and intelligent alignment with confidence and clarity

  • Design intelligently sequenced classes

  • Analyze a pose and break it into focused points in order to introduce it to students in increments

  • Understand general principles of anatomy

  • Teach simple restorative poses, guided relaxation and meditation

  • “Read” a student’s body to make proper adjustments

  • Stand in your power and claim your voice































Have an open mind.
Commit to and attend all scheduled classes. (Limited Make-up days provided).
At least 17 years of age at the start of training.
Pay tuition in full or pay your non-refundable $300 deposit and sign up for a payment plan.





Certification upon completion of all required training and payments.
Training Manual 
Unlimited Virtual Yoga Membership for 3 months after graduation
10% off Retail and Workshops for 3 months after graduation



*$300 non-refundable deposit counts as your 1st payment in your plan. Payment Plan arrangements AND 2nd payment has to be made within 30 days of deposit.*




For questions and payment options and arrangements, email us at or give us a call at 614-421-7522


Level 2: 200 hour

 Training Dates




No Upcoming Dates



April 18-21 & May 2-5 & May 16-19, 2024

Thursday & Friday: 4:00p-9:00p

Saturday & Sunday 9:00a-5:00p


September 12-15 & September 26-29

& October 10-13, 2024

Thursday & Friday: 4:00p-9:00p

Saturday & Sunday 9:00a-5:00p




Level 1: 100 hour 

Training Dates




May 9-June 6

Monday-Thursday 9:00a-12:00p


September 7-10 & September 21-24

Thursday & Friday: 4:00p-9:00p

Saturday & Sunday 9:00a-5:00p



January 11-14 & January 18-21, 2024

Thursday & Friday: 4:00p-9:00p

Saturday & Sunday 9:00a-5:00p


August 15-18 & August 29-1, 2024

Thursday & Friday: 4:00p-9:00p

Saturday & Sunday 9:00a-5:00p

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